Android X and Major UI Changes (v501)

Version 500+ is a version bump from the previous version 4xx series. This is a major update, both on the UI front and under the hood. Let’s start off first on the Android engine libraries running Bluecoins.

Powered by AndroidX

AndroidX is the open-source project that the Android team uses to develop, test, package, version and release libraries within Jetpack.

AndroidX is a major improvement to the original Android Support Library. Like the Support Library, AndroidX ships separately from the Android OS and provides backwards-compatibility across Android releases. AndroidX fully replaces the Support Library by providing feature parity and new libraries. All new Support Library development will occur in the AndroidX library. This includes maintenance of the original Support Library artifacts and introduction of new Jetpack components. Modern apps should be updated to adapt to AndroidX as Google will stop development on current support libraries and eventually deprecated- apps not complying will not work well with future Android versions.

Bluecoins is one of the early adopters of AndroidX and I’m excited because this will enable us to deliver more quickly the latest Android library improvements into the app.

To learn more about Android X, you may read more on the following links:

Hello World, AndroidX

AndroidX Overview

Single Activity Architecture

Google now officially recommends the use of single-activity architecture to developers, and Bluecoins is moving towards this architecture starting with version 500. A single activity architecture helps the Android OS in memory management and improves the stability of the app. In low memory situations, such as when multiple apps are on the background and several processes are working on the same time, Android starts killing off app activities and app with several activities in memory will suffer the most consequences.

One noticeable benefit you’ll see with this change is when changing themes in the app, Bluecoins will now transition seamlessly to the visual theme. There is no more abrupt and jarring shutdown and app restarts to apply the theme changes, everything now happens on the fly. Feel free to set a new theme and notice the changes immediately. QuickSync has been slightly improved to take advantage of this, as there will be less interruption when switching between screens.

Automatic Day/Night Theme Switching

Still related to themes, Bluecoins now supports the ability to switch between a theme of your choice during day or night time (or whatever time you desire). Go to Settings > Appearance and turn on Automatic – Daylight/Night to turn on this feature. This is great for theme lovers out there!

Major Main UI Update

Many of you wanted a UI refresh, starting with version 500, hope you’ll enjoy some of the new changes to the main UI. The sharp corners of the dashboard cards has been rounded off a little bit and given more shadow for proper elevation of the cards from the rest of the visual components. You’ll also notice the curved tab borders provides a visual separation between the main dashboard and the different tab reports, while preserving the clean and minimalist look Bluecoins is known for. Here’s a snapshot taken from the Clean and Light theme:

All the themes has also been updated to provide a cleaner and more polished look. You should try them out in conjunction with the new automatic theme feature!

New Settings UI

Taking advantage of the new AndroidX components, you will notice a new look for the Settings page on version 501. Settings icon has been added and the Settings page has been updated for a more refined look. See for yourselves below:

And that’s all for now. There’s plenty of other small changes but I hope you enjoy this version bump and the latest changes from Bluecoins. And as always, please don’t forget to support Bluecoins development by giving it 5 stars on the Google Playstore.



