Version 10 is now out and brings forth major feature and functionality updates to the best finance app on the Playstore!
Read on!
Timeline Reports
The timeline reports features a time based detailed reporting for all your accounts and categorized transactions in one place. See the movement of all your accounts balances over time, or see how you are spending your money for the last several months by categories. With timeline reporting, generate monthly reports for all your accounts and categories and more! Read more at .

New Settings Page
The Settings page has been modified to improve organization and discover-ability of settings. For instance, all setting related to appearances (themes, dashboard and tab customization, widgets, etc are now under Customize Appearance settings. Data Management settings group all settings related to backing-up, restoring, importing and resetting data, etc.
Hide accounts and categories from pickers
Additional settings has been added to exclude user specified categories and accounts from the dialog picker. If you have tons and categories and accounts and want to exclude categories or accounts you no longer use, then this one is for you! To access, go the Account or Category setup page and find the appropriate check-boxes (see below).

Auto-suggest settings
You can now edit the automatic suggestions that pops-out when your typing the name of a transaction during its setup. Previously, all your historical entries are used to make the typing suggestions. With this new setting, you can edit which previous entries you only want to be included in the suggestions. To access, go to Settings > Transaction Setup > Item Entry > Automatic Suggestion. Check or clear the entries as needed (see below).
Support the App
There’s a lot of little UI tweaks and under the hood changes that’s too many too mention. As always, please support the app by giving it 5 stars on the Playstore.